Memorial Gardens for Loved ones who’ve gone before us.
Loved ones remain in our hearts and in our minds. Memories of their unique lives, their character and the love they shared can bring us peace, strength and reverence for the sacred nature of this life. At times the love we feel for those who have gone before us isn't easily expressed.
Consider, the meaning of a man or woman planting a small tree with great reverence and love for future generations, or even a specific child who is expected? What meaning does this maturing tree have to a grown person, knowing that their kin, their ancestors/family had considered them in love. That their own well being had been a hope and prayer long before they were grown enough to understand such strength in love.
How meaningful is it to keep a plant or a combinations of plants, each chosen with the specific intention of honoring a loved one from our lives? What happens when we plant a seed? When we give life an opportunity to thrive? A seed is the plants greatest hope, a chance to continue on, to create progeny.
As we navigate our unique times. In this fast paced, technological world, we can call upon the intelligence of the environment. We create sacred spaces for future generations. We create a Garden Legacy.
Specific plant variety or even combinations of plants, uniquely chosen to honor a loved one can be quite meaningful. The symbolism we imbue onto our lives makes it richer. If it is a place to meditate, read or have intimate conversations. Gardens can incorporate a tribute to holy people you respect, such as Buddha, the Virgin Mary, St. Francis or Mother Nature.
Our possibilities of co-creation with nature is endless.