People will be eager to grow food this summer. Pots overflowing with flowers are beautiful, and so are pots packed with Tomatoes, Basil and Peppers. It’s important to plant native and pollinating species and this year, it will be good to plant squash, cucumbers and watermelon as well. Whether it’s a large garden tilled, providing food for multiple families, raised beds or existing pots that were previously used for ornamental plantings. The importance of having fresh, clean, food growing outside your front door will be more precious then ever.
With proper sun, healthy soil and good water we can grow an abundance of vegetables and herbs this season. They’ll fill our bellies and unite our families in a shared goal of assisting nature in nourishing each and everyone of us.
If you’re sharing in this desire to grow food and have any questions or need any assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Here’s to empowering and nourishing ourselves in these wild times!
All the very best,