Being Strong in Nature

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Lily of the Valley - May Flower

Local flora takes on an exotic intoxication in May.  Soft spring sun illuminates an iridescent bloom. Young green leaves are as lush as ever. The joy of these first months of color enlightens a heavy heart. 

We cultivate these priceless gifts into our lives.

Lily of the Valley with it's sweet scented, dainty, bell shaped flowers.


This hearty, shade loving plant offers the most delightful smell and sight in May.  Lily of the Valley spreads by it's underground rhizome, creating a mass of green and and flashes of white. Perfect for areas all it's own, were it may thrive while remaining contained, as it doesn't play well with others. 

Scent is a strong provoker of memories. We create new memories and recall old ones with this cottage favorite, used traditionally in weddings.  Energetically, Lily of the Valley promotes healthy priorities, while encouraging us to lighten up.